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Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup is an autonomous registered fellowship composed of registered groups of recovering sex addicts who follow the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA). Meetings in central and southern Ohio and West Virginia are participants in the Intergroup.
What are Sex Addicts Anonymous and Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup?
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may stop their compulsive sexual behavior and help others to recover from sexual addiction and dependency. Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup is an autonomous registered fellowship composed of registered groups of recovering sex addicts who follow the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous.
The purpose and mission of Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup is to serve and strengthen its existing meetings and the start and equip new meetings.
Who May Join?
Membership is open to all who share a desire to stop compulsive sexual behavior and who are willing to follow this simple program. While sexual sobriety is a goal, it is not a requirement for attendance or participation. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may have a problem with sexual addiction, you are invited to assess your situation on this web site. Some of the forms that sexual addiction takes are compulsive masturbation, use of pornography (including Internet), cybersex, exhibitionism, affairs, anonymous sex, sexual abuse of others, including children, prostitution, or any form of compulsive sexual activity.
What Are The Guides?
The Sex Addicts Anonymous program is founded on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of SAA. They are based on the steps and traditions of AA, however, Sex Addicts Anonymous is not affiliated with AA or any other organization or agency. It is not a religious organization or aligned with any sect or denomination. Rather, it is a spiritual program based on progess rather than perfection.
Anonymity and Confidentiality
Anonymity and confidentiality are the cornerstones of Sex Addicts Anonymous. Only first names are used. Status and position outside of the group is not an issue. Our common bond is the desire to stop compulsive sexual behavior and to live a sexually healthy life. Anonymity and confidentiality are essential for a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting being a safe place.
How Are Sex Addicts Anonymous and Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup Financed?
Sex Addicts Anonymous and Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup are supported from voluntary contributions of its members. There are no outside donations. There are no fees or dues. The “hat is passed” at each meeting and contributions are freely received. Sex Addicts Anonymous and the Intergroup are are funded by donations from its members.
Where can I find more information?
To request information about the fellowship or inquire about a meeting in your area. Please feel free to call us at ( 614) 733-4348 or email us.
Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup |
( 614) 733-4348 |