"Obsession, fantasy promiscuity, compulsive masturbation, use of pornography, exhibitionism, voyeurism, abusive sex with self or others, addictive relationships and/or other sexual acting out behaviors were quick fixes for the pain in our lives. These led, however to even more pain, shame, and isolation, in a vicious circle. In recovery we learn to break that cycle and to live a life of reality. We learn a completely new way of life, based on spiritual principles. We do not offer a quick fix or cure for addiction. We have found however, that as we embarked on the adventure of recovery, our compulsions and shame lessened, or were removed. One day at a time, we learned honesty, self love, integrity, and enjoyed the acceptance of love, and fellowship of those who understood us as few others could." (From "A Special Welcome to the Woman Newcomer")
Women who are new to SAA may have special concerns regarding an overwhelmingly male fellowship. The one thing to keep in mind about SAA is that this fellowship is open to anyone, male or female, seeking recovery from sexual addiction. Our Third Tradition states this idea unequivocally: The only requirement for SAA membership is a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. Women-only meetings are available; see the meeting list for more information.
There is a pamphlet available at many of our local meetings entitled "A Special Welcome to the Woman Newcomer" that may address some of your concerns: topics include Being the Only Woman in the Room, Speaking at Meetings, Triggering Others at Meetings, Being Attracted to Others at Meetings, Protecting Your Safety, and Choosing a Sponsor.
We suggest you talk to other women in the fellowship to get an understanding of how this program works for women. Getting to meetings and working the Twelve Steps with a sponsor is the quickest and surest road to recovery.
The Colorado SAA Intergroup has a special e-mail address for women who want information about our fellowship:xxxx. If you are a woman who is concerned about her own behavior and feel more comfortable corresponding with another woman, please use this address. Your e-mail will only be seen by a female member of this fellowship.
There is a meeting just for women in our area. Please consider attending it. If you have questions, please call Mel at (614) 578-8978 or at cbuswomenssaa@gmail.com. More information at cbuswomenssaa.blogspot.com.
Literature on women and sex addiction is available. Ask your sponsor for recommendations. Many groups have recovery tapes and literature available for sale or loan. Tapes and literature can also be ordered online, or by mail directly from the International Service Organization of SAA.
ISO of SAA, Inc.
P.O. Box 70949
Houston TX 77270
Telephone: (713) 869-4902
Ohio Valley SAA Intergroup |
( 614) 733-4348 |